Friday 15 July 2016

Betsy and a dog

Hi all

Well I was happily sitting on my front door step. H was trying to tidy the garden.  She is not good at this. But she told me a rosemary bush needed rescuing.  So I watched her pathetic pruning of this bush. It looks more dead than it did before.  Anyway,  I liked sitting with H at the front.

Then my next door person arrived. I do not see him often but he was fine and spoke to me and H. He had a nice lady with him who asked about me and the rosemary. H gave her some rosemary.  H can be silly like that. 

So all was peaceful.  But suddenly a dog from down the road walked past my house. I am used to cats but not dogs. H was stupid and spoke to this dog and owner. So they stopped at my gate.

I hate dogs.  So I ran at this dog and saw him off my house. The dog looked amazed and H said sorry to his owner. 
I should have let H know that I hate dogs as well as cats. But the dog was a nice dog.

I think I have aggression issues and need therapy. 

Betsy xx

Betsy is exhausted

Hi dear readers 

I hope you will all write to someone to complain about H and L.  I don't know who but they have been horrid.  I was left outside in my garden all night.  It was warm but not what I am used to.  I had to sleep on a chair which was not exactly my velvet basket.

L opened the door for me. I rushed inside. I hate being left in a garden as my fans will understand.  H was upset.  " OH gosh,  Betsy has been out all night. "

I was given loads of  treats and food to help me recover. I have spent all day asleep. Mostly on H's bed. Now in my velvet basket. 

I think I am feeling better now. But it could take some time to recover from this neglect. 

Betsy xx

Monday 9 May 2016

Saturday 30 April 2016

Betsy's new friend

Hi again 

I have been with H and L  for 4 months. I am amazed how relaxed they are. Even when I bite H, not hard but so she knows when I have had enough grooms and strokes, She never gets cross.  " No Betsy " is the worst she says. I do understand no. I am not a stupid cat. 

But I have a new person in my life. H's daughter.  She stayed in my home and I love her.I followed her everywhere and sat with her on her knee. She did not complain about my fur on her black clothes.  She took selfies of us both.

She has gone now, back to her house. So I shall have to  put up with H and  L.  Not too bad,  I suppose.
They feed me and love me. 

It is good for a cat to make new friends. 

Betsy x

A french cat

Hi again

C'est moi encore. La catte que tout le monde adore!

Gosh H is getting more affected.  In no way am I a french cat. But  I did like the story she told me. A cat called Saha lived in Paris. She loved her owner and he loved her. One day a new person came to live. 
The cat hated her. In the end the cat won. The intruder died.

I  understand. A cat does not like to be replaced. 

H and L know this.

Betsy xx


I was left alone till  2pm. H and L went out this morning. They went to visit someone.  H told me it was her sister and all the family.  Well, I wish I had a sister and family to visit. But all my kittens were taken from me.  I know this was for the best. And I have heard that one of my sons has a happy life in a new home. H told me he is called Rolo. It is an OK name. I wonder where my others are.

Anyway,  I am fine.  H had a little rest and I sat by her on the bed. Then we went into the garden. It was so cold. H said a wind was blowing from the Arctic. I don't know where that is but I don't want to go there. Too cold for a cat. 

Betsy xx

Friday 29 April 2016

Hi fans

Hi fans

What to say?  The weather is rubbish so I won't go out.  H agrees. She says no it is horrid for a cat. 
I stay in and sit on my window sill looking out on my street.  Nothing happens.  My enemy has not showed so I can't even hiss at him.

This is very tedious for a cat. I want to be out and about and doing good. 

Anyway,  no grooming yet. H fusses usually but not today. I don't mind, but actually miss my beauty box. 

H will realise.  She will remember. So I doze in my velvet basket.
